We Strive to Sharpen Your Arabic with 12 Million Words

  • We Love You Allah --We Love Rasool Allah

  • Quraan is in our Hearts - We love to Learn

We Love You Allah --We Love Rasool Allah

Quraan is in our Hearts - We love to Learn

I love Allah, I love Rasool Allah, I love Quraan, I love Arabic, and

I love you all

Quraan & Arabic Language Schools

We are on-line a click of a button away -
International Students Welcome

Monthly 2022 classes waiting list is open

Arabic for All العربية للجميع
Give your Child the Arabic Edge

Learning Arabic, the language of Quran

Multi Cultural Environment

Alqarawiyyeen Schools are multinational multicultural and welcomes students of all nationalities, cultures, ethnic backgrounds, and religions. Our admission focus is on the passion to learn Arabic by high achievers who will become leaders in their lives .

Build Lasting Relationships

To achieve our goals, we employ a well thought, well tested, comprehensive curriculum spanning the life of a student from childhood to adulthood. Our students will have strong command and ability to listen, speak and write in classical and modern Arabic. Going through similar experiences students bond together and enjoy becoming friends for life.

Accepting the Challenge

Learning a language is not an easy task. However, knowing that we need to learn to grow and prosper especially in our faith, makes the challenges fun to go through. Persistence and perseverance are qualities that we develop when we have fun learning and insisting to have a place in the world.

Your Children Deserve the Best

Prepared by Experts, Arabic in the Hands of our Children Series

When my children learned Arabic, understood it and wrote with it, I felt that I please Allah SW and fulfilled one of my main Islamic roles as a mother.

Ameenah, New York

I have tried many schools in the past. It is always challenging. What I feel different here is the passion that drives everyone involved. It does take effort but with persistence it pays off at the end.

Abu Muhammad, California

Now that I learned Arabic, I can feel great and I boast when I understand the Quran while my other friends cannot. It is different when you understand.

Layla, Oklahoma

Learning & Understanding Arabic Nasheed

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Our Partners

Importance of Arabic in our Lives أهمية اللغة العربية في حياتنا

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